
The Travelling Gavel

The purpose of the Travelling Gavel is to promote visitation between Lodges within the District. The Lodge that has the most brothers present accompanying the District Deputy Grand Master on his visit to another Lodge, is declared the winner of that evening.. At the end of the Masonic year, the Lodge that has won the most number of times, is awarded the Travelling Gavel and has their name etched into it. It has become a source of pride, and bragging rights, for the winners.

Cornerstone Program

The cornerstone is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, which all other stones will be set in reference to, thus determining the position and strength of the entire edifice.

The cornerstone being so important to the foundation of any edifice, for Freemasons it acts as a reminder to having a strong foundation for one’s life.

The Cornerstone Program was developed to encourage and recognize Lodges that plan, implement, and manage a well-rounded yearly Lodge program that promotes Lodge activities, brotherhood, charitable work, and involvement in the community, developing a strong foundation for a Lodge to continue on for generations.

District Charitys

Caritas School of Life
is a leading Therapeutic Community…
Project No. 2491

Helping Individuals & Families Heal and Grow The Canadian Mental Health Association says one in five Canadians suffer from mental  illness, the leading cause of disability.
With this in mind, let us support addictions and mental health helping men and women aged 16 and older, as well as their families.
Caritas, a leading Therapeutic Community located in York Region, provides a proven, long-term, holistic approach to treating addiction and mental health oncurrent disorders – encompassing one’s physical, mental, spiritual, social, emotional, and educational
needs – within a highly structured and supportive

Caritas School of Life has earned an impeccable reputation within the addiction and mental health sector, and by all those it has treated, supported and assisted.

To date, Caritas School of Life has provided treatment and support services to 18,000 people, and 36,000 family members, for a total of
over 50,000 lives!


Last Post Fund Project No. 2500

The Last Post Fund’s mission is to ensure that no Veteran is denied a dignified funeral and burial, as well as a military gravestone, due to insufficient funds at the time of death. Its primary mandate is to deliver the Veterans Affairs Canada Funeral and Burial Program which provides funeral, burial and grave marking benefits for eligible Canadian and Allied Veterans. The Unmarked Grave Program provides military markers for unmarked Veterans’ graves. In March 2019, the Indigenous Veterans Initiative was launched in an effort to commemorate and honour the memory of over 18,000 Indigenous Veterans, many of whom are thought to lie in unmarked graves.

The Last Post Fund owns and manages its own military cemetery, the Last Post Fund National Field of Honour, as well as supporting and promoting other initiatives designed to honour the memory of Canadian and Allied Veterans. A national non-profit organization, the Last Post Fund’s National office is located in Montreal, supporting the Provincial Boards across the country. The Last Post Fund is supported financially by Veterans Affairs Canada and by private donations.


To donate visit, select “Masonic Foundation of Ontario,” and enter “Project No. 2431” in the “send message” box. By making your donation in this way, 10% of every donation, up to $1,000, will be matched by the Masonic Foundation of Ontario

Masonic Blood Donor Program

Our commitment to blood donation

In 1958, the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario formed what would be known as the “Blood Donor Committee” with the purpose of informing Masons of the great work the Canadian Blood Services were doing, and encouraging them to donate.


“The good news is that one blood donation—in just one hour—can save up to three lives.”

Canadian Blood Services

Learn more and donate at

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