Greetings from the Toronto Don Valley Freemasons
On behalf of the Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, I extend greetings.
Toronto Don Valley District has a rich history of Masonic practice and charitable giving. This year, the District will be raising funds for two charities; The Canadian Cancer Society, where the funds will be directed to Prostate Cancer research, and the Last Post Fund. Prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian men, and one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. The Last Post Fund’s mission is to ensure that no Veteran is denied a dignified funeral and burial, as well as a military gravestone, due to insufficient funds at the time of death. Both of these worthy causes deserve our attention and support.
Two of the eighteen Lodges that comprise Toronto Don Valley District will be celebrating significant milestones this year. Ionic Lodge will be celebrating their 175th year and Doric Lodge will be celebrating their 150th year. I encourage all Masons within our District to attend regularly and visit often.
I look forward to seeing you in my travels
R. W. Bro. Jeremy Fleming
DDGM, Toronto Don Valley District
The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, has jurisdiction over 480 Masonic lodges, with approx. 28,000 members, and is divided into 41 districts, with Toronto Don Valley District being home to 18 Masonic lodges.
Toronto Don Valley District, encompassing what used to be the Town of York in the Province of Upper Canada, is steeped in a long and deep history, dating back to the founding of Masonry in Canada.
Toronto Don Valley District Freemasons covers the central part of the GTA and includes the City of Toronto proper, with boundaries spanning from the Don River Valley (DVP & 404) to Dufferin Street, and the waterfront to Thornhill.